Try Us Yourself
Temple Technology Service’s Managed Services offers a complete infrastructure solution. Our expertise spans from your desktop PCs and servers through your local area networks to provide and manage your wide area and partner networks. With expertise across every facet of modern IT infrastructure, we offer a holistic approach to design, procurement, installation, and support. To cater to different organizations, we provide a wide range of infrastructure options, including on-site, remotely managed, and fully hosted environments.

Backup Services
T.T.S. Full Image Backup is a focused solution with all the features you need, including a reliable backup system, in-depth status reporting, and fast restore times, all for a price that makes sense.
Cloud Services
Data loss can happen unexpectedly at any time. Failed hard drives, accidental deletion, computer viruses, and many other situations threaten the safety of your data.
Web Protection
Block websites before you ever visit them. Getting your systems protected is easy. There is no hardware to install or any training required.
Email Hosted Solutions
This service has been developed with you and your customers in mind, helping you keep in constant touch with them via email.
Spam filtering
You can either go for a complete solution consisting of all three services – archiving, continuity, and security – or take it a step at a time. It's ideal for small and medium-sized businesses that don't have either the in-house capability or larger organizations' deep pockets.
Temple Technology Services can help you with your virtualization services. We know what it takes to get you spun up and in the cloud from virtual workstations, servers, and more. Call us today for a personal assessment of your needs.